Charcoal and clay have been used for thousands of years for maintaining health. Animals naturally eat clay/dirt when they are sick, and to help ward off parasites.
Toxins are everywhere. They are emitted from cars on the road, off-gas of paints, and carpets, dry cleaning, cleaning products, airplanes, the list goes on!
Binders are also extremely helpful for people who are susceptible to mold because our bodies do not recognize mold as a toxin, and it’s stored in our liver. At least 1/4 people are susceptible, and it is the underlying cause of many allergies, early onset of dementia, autism, MS, and much more. They help our immune systems, by relieving our bodies’ toxic load, which leads to longevity.
Binders help maintain a healthy gut, they help get rid of parasites, and eliminate environmental toxins. If you like to golf (major pesticides exposure), swim in lakes, drive a car, pretty much just exist, it’s a good idea to take a daily binder. They are also great when you’re sick. If you eat something that doesn’t agree with you – take a binder, or take before bed if you’ve had alcohol. Even babies and toddlers can safely take it, especially if they have an upset stomach. It’s supposed to be away from food, but for babies you can add it to a little apple sauce. Pectin in apple sauce is a natural binder anyway.
Binders need to be taken 2 hours after food, juice, and supplements, and one hour before. For children, a good time to give them is usually right after school since they probably haven’t eaten since lunch, and by the time you get home it will have been long enough and they can eat. Schools are notoriously moldy, and usually have carpet which produces a tremendous amount of toxins and VOCs – the toxic cleaning products used for carpet cleaning only make the situation worse. (Do an internet search of carpet dangers – UGH).
I usually take binders at night about an hour before I take my proteolytic enzymes. If someone has high levels of toxic build up they may experience a Herx response where they feel achy, and even mild flu-like symptoms. That’s because while binders pull toxins out, they are also stirring them up. Most people don’t experience a Herx response with the gentle binders, but it does happen. There are many kinds, but I like Bulletproof Charcoal, microbe formulas, Bio-Botanical Research G.I Detox, and Premier Research Labs Clay. Microbe Formulations has a few different binders. Some geared toward biotoxins, some for for chemical exposures. I like to alternate depending on what’s going on. I like to alternate them because they eliminate some of the same toxins but different ones as well. Also, since they bind vitamins and nutrients (which is why you need to take them away from taking supplements) you want to mix up them up so they aren’t always pulling the same vitamins and minerals out. As always, balance is key.
Au says
Nice thoughts! Keep doing it.